Meet the CryoSuccess Liquid Freezing Cryotherapy Pens
Manufactured in Switzerland like many other great products of the world, the CryoSuccess is a product intent on simplifying the processes of cryotherapy & cryosurgery. No longer is there a need for constantly evaporating liquid nitrogen or cumbersome machines. The CryoSuccess Liquid Freezing pen provides professionals with an efficient, effective and mobile solution.
The pen can be used in several different applications but are not limited to:
- Dermatology
- Gynaecology
- Urology
- Surgery
- Dentistry
- Veterinary medicine
- Podiatry
The CryoSuccess also delivers a consistent penetrating temperature of -89° C.
Build Quality
The CryoSuccess unit is encapsulated in protective foam and small carry case for the convenience of the user. When laying your hands on the CryoSuccess Liquid Freezing Pen, you will be impressed by the quality. The unit is surprisingly dense and heavy to the touch - yet comfortable and natural to hold. There is immaculate detailing from the threading insertions from the pen tip and canister to the body of the pen. This is complemented by the anti-bacterial gold coating which helps keep the unit sanitary.
Users will immediately notice the trigger found on the body of the pen. It is uniquely shaped to be ergonomic to the touch. However, the trigger is particularly sensitive as expected. When in use, it has a two-stage depression mechanism to control the delivery of the liquid nitrogen, where pressing the trigger beyond halfway opens the valve completely. Users should be careful not to damage trigger when attaching and removing the Nitrogen Oxide canisters. Follow the instruction manual closely when doing this and use the provided pin for grip.
Similarly, be careful with the teeth threading for the canister and pen tips as incorrect alignment could lead to damage, although this is difficult to the precision machining of the thread. There is no need to be forceful or heavy-handed with the tightening of the units - as there is a very distinctive "stop" once you've twisted to the very end.
The benefits of the detachable tip
Yet again CryoSuccess is innovative as they understand that professionals require these cryotherapy units for different applications. The three tips currently offered by CryoSuccess are:
- 1mm Tip (standard tip)
- 4mm Tip Dermatological head
- 4mm Tip Gynaecological head (13cm)
All the CryoSuccess tips use borosilicate glass as standard with gold plating again for anti-bacterial purposes. Borosilicate glass has a low thermal expansion coefficient - meaning the tip will not expand or collapse with changes in temperature. This is particularly useful when the tips are placed into an autoclave or steriliser.
The glass is inert meaning it is extremely safe for patients and also is resistant to corrosion. With good care, CryoSuccess tips can last an extremely long time. The CryoSuccess package comes standard with 2 years warranty should something go south.
N₂O Canisters / Cartridges - Buy Canisters here
The CryoSuccess unit comes standard with two canisters which contain 23.5g of medical grade nitrous oxide for delivery of a piercing cold treatment which causes the tissue necrosis. Unlike similar products that have a canister sizing of 16g or smaller, the CryoSuccess canisters allow for a total treatment delivery time of approximately 300 seconds before the need to switch out.
The CryoSuccess features a safety release valve which enables the user to disconnect the cartridge without wasting gas. It might be helpful to note that the sound the canister makes during detachment will be akin to that of a large soft drink bottle. It might be slightly startling but rest assured that it is completely normal.
The canisters can be attached and detached easily and store away at any time as they do not leak and do not have a shelf life. This might be particularly convenient if you do not frequently require the cryotherapy pen. However, the flexibility of a mechanical cryotherapy unit on hand at all times is something that will be beneficial should it be needed urgently.
The assembly of the device is extremely simple should it be your first time using a product of this sort. Follow these steps and you should be on your way:
- Insert the holding pin into the body of the CryoSuccess pen
- Ensure the pin bulb (black) is held firmly in the palm of your hand
- Have one finger hold one end of the body and another for the other side
(make sure your fingers do not accidentally touch the trigger) - Attach the CryoSuccess pen tip to the body and twist into place
- Attach the nitrous oxide canister to the other side of the body
- Twist until tight
Your CryoSuccess unit is now ready to use. To disassemble, reverse the same steps but start with the canister.
Using the pen for application is also extremely easy and effective. As the temperature is a consistent -89°C it is extremely effective at removing several different lesions & tumours. Simply point the pen at the target and press on the trigger. The pen can freeze up to a depth of 3mm and diameter of 10mm after an application time of 12 seconds.
Patients will feel something akin to a mosquito bite or a light tickle. Obviously, every individual is different, so don't be surprised pain is experienced.
In terms of scarring, scar tissue & pigmentation changes post-treatment - CryoSuccess suggests that scar tissue can be formed post treatment. The necrosis forms and peels after about 10 to 14 days. However, this information again should be taken with a grain of salt. Each patient has different skin properties and each doctor's method of delivery will vary also.
CryoSuccess recommends making contact with the skin for effective use, but ultimately it is up to the doctor to decide how to use the unit. Please refer to the user manual and below for CryoSuccess recommendations.
Usage Recommendations
Contact and non-contact treatments are at the discretion of the user and the depending on the type of lesion you are dealing with. However, CryoSuccess recommends these application times for various conditions.
Indications | Recommended Application Time in sec. |
Acne | 4-6 |
Age Pigments | 1-2 |
Basiloma | 8-9 |
Cavernous Angioma | 4-6 |
Codyloma | 8-12 |
Granuloma Anulare | 5-6 |
Hemangiolymphanhioma | 6-8 |
Juvenile Warts | 3-4 |
Keloids | 4-6 |
Keratosis Actinica | 5-7 |
Lentigo Magligna | 4-5 |
Lentigo Senile | 2-3 |
Nevus Pigmentosus | 8 |
Planter Warts | 15-20 |
Seborrhoeic Warts | 6-8 |
Senile Keratoma | 7-8 |
Soft Fibroma | 4-5 |
Solar Keratosis | 4-5 |
Verruca Vulgaris | 8-10 |
Freezing agent comparisons
Our offerings
StarkMed offers a few different packages for the CryoSuccess:
- CryoSuccess Pen - 1mm tip + x1 N2O Cartridge
- CryoSuccess Pen - 1mm tip + 4mm tip + x2 N2O Cartridges
- CryoSuccess Pen - 1mm + Gynaecological tip x1 N2O Cartridge
- Pen tips - 1mm / 4mm / Gyno
If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us.
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