Ergoselect 8 Reclining Ergometer
SKU ERG-194001
by Ergoline
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The classic examination couch that converts to a full-fledged reclining ergometer with a single hand movement. The ergometry unit is retracted below the couch surface and raised up as needed. Adjustable, removable shoulder supports provide a comfortable counter-surface during exercise tests. The ergoselect 8 design is a perfect fit for both requirements and stands out for its modern and reliable technology.
- comfortable examination couch
- full-fledged reclining ergometer
- ergometry unit folds away easily
- whisper-quiet belt drive
- load range from 6 to 450 watts (optionally up to 1000 watts)
- patient weight up to 225 kg
- high-quality upholstery fabric
- universal interface
- wide range of accessory options